Discover 4 Additional Football Trading Strategies to Add To YOUR UFT Account With Amazing Returns Of 150%, 217% and even 418% ROI!!

Football Trading Xtreme is an optional upgrade for those Ultimate Football Trading members who want to add even MORE strategies to their portfolio and strategies that take advantage of the most profitable goals of all.... LATE GOALS.
This upgrade works as a complement rather than an alternative to the strategies you learned in the original course.
FTX is a collaboration with professional trader Steven Hall of Dynamic Football Trading.
Steven has presented us with FOUR ultra aggressive football trading strategies. These are a bit more advanced than what you might have seen in the super course as they include cross market trading.
However, the risk-reward ratio of these strategies is very, very appealing with methods such as the Jackpot stratey generating returns that can be around 400-500% ROI. In fact, one of the example trades we did with that method produced a return of 600%ROI!!!
As you can expect, every video features a detailed tutorial followed by LIVE trading examples so you can see it all in action for yourself.
So if you are looking for football trading strategies with a bit of FIRE in them then this is the upgrade for you.

Market: Over/Under 1.5 Goals + Over/Under 2.5 Goals
An XTREME twist on fireball reloaded. You will be getting involved around the 60th minute and taking advantage of some pretty volatile prices that can be on offer in the goal markets late on.
This aggressive version of the fireball strategy should see you often producing at least a 100% ROI and maybe even more when the right situations arise. If you are looking for a goals market method with a more favourable risk/reward ratio then this might be it!

Market: Match Odds + Correct Score
A neat twist on the relay reloaded method. This is an ingenius way to use the relay method in-play whilst also taking insurance to protect yourself against the underdog furthering the lead. Whilst we say it is "insurance" it can actually boost your profits if everything goes to plan.
This is a very aggressive way to lay the favourite but it can be more than worth it. In the video demonstrations you will see this strategy produce returns as much as 200% ROI in one particular trade.

"Been a UFT member since 2018 but only just discovered these extra strategies and I am excited. So far, the Relay Xtreme has been right up my street, very powerful."

Market: Match Odds + Correct Score
The potential to make HUGE returns from a small stake is the wet dream of many football traders. But that dream is finally a reality as Steve has revealed an ingenius way to lay a short priced favourite with a way of take insurance so that if the "surprise" result happens then a JACKPOT win will be the result.
In the live demonstrations we show you a trade that produced a staggering 418% ROI and another that produced an amazing 650% ROI!
You have to see it to believe it!

"The Jackpot is my favourite method of them all. I know what I am looking for when picking these out and mainly use just this strategy now. Amazing how often I hit the jackpot but maybe I am lucky!"
Luke H
Market: Correct Score
A simple but effective strategy that can produce big returns on your investment. This involves getting involved in the Correct Score market late on and taking advantage of some of the over generous prices that you can get when you back instead of lay at this stage.
Most returns with this method are usually around 100% ROI on average but it can be higher. In the video you will see one particular trade where this strategy produced a sensational 250% ROI!

"The AON Method in particular is very clever, very pleased to complete the set so to speak!"
Raymond H
As you can expect, all strategies are presented

As soon as you pay you will unlock the WHOLE course.
Even if it is 3am on a wet Tuesday morning!

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Due to the sensitive nature of the information contained within this upgrade package we simply can not offer a refund policy on this product. This is a digital information based product and since there is no possible way to return information once you have learned it there is no possible way to return the product fairly. By not offering a refund policy we are protecting honest customers such as yourself that will benefit from the information contained within. Unfortunately, there are many people online who buy products with the sole intention of returning them and/or sharing them on download sites. Therefore, we have to protect the exclusive nature of our product by having this policy. If you do have any queries or concerns about the quality of our products you only have to look around the web to know how highly acclaimed we are.Disclaimer
The information presented in this course is intended to be for your educational and/or entertainment purposes only. If you sign up for this course you are not signing up for a business opportunity with us. We are also not making any claims as to how much income you may earn or presenting you with the opportunity to get rich.
When you see income figures mentioned, those income figures are anecdotal information passed on to us concerning the results achieved by the individual sharing the information. We have performed no independent verification of the statements made by those individuals. Please do not assume that you will make those same income figures.
Please do not construe any statement on this website and in the course as a claim or representation of average earnings. There are NO average earnings. Testimonials and statements of individuals are not to be construed as claims or representations of average earnings. There are NO guarantees as to how much you can or will earn as a result of taking this course
Please understand that past performance cannot be an indication of possible future results.